The Golf Course Superintendents & Managers Association of India welcomes you and is very proud of your joining this fraternity.
With the growing popularity of golf in India there is greater development of good golf courses in the country. It should come as no news flash to the golf industry that times are changing and Superintendents/Managers are being asked to take on new roles and enlarged responsibilities to produce world-class golf course panorama. Continuing education is the key to developing the skills needed for those roles and to stay on the cutting edge of value.
Therefore you, me and all of us the workers at the golf courses have joined together to create our own platform for sharing and caring for the knowledge and experience. Larger contribution for the development and modern skills, keeping pace with knowledge and extreme dedication. Therefore a continuing flow of information from the surrounds and golf green-keepers is the most important factor, which will be facilitated by GCS&MAI.
The code of Ethics and Conduct is established to promote and maintain the highest professional standards of service Steadfastly maintaining these principles will accrue to the membership a level of justly deserved recognition and respect from those who come in contact with any member.